

Best Answer

well, you first have to suck dem titties

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Q: How do you get royal guard outfit in fable3?
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What was prince William's?

if you mean in the wedding then the The royal, Irish guard outfit

What was Prince William waring?

if you mean in the wedding then the The royal, Irish guard outfit

What type of guard outfit is required for the event?

The event requires a formal guard outfit.

When is fable3 coming out?

maby in 2013.

When was Emperor's Royal Guard created?

Emperor's Royal Guard was created in 1983.

What is the motto of Spanish Royal Guard?

Spanish Royal Guard's motto is 'In the Crown's service'.

When was Royal Croatian Home Guard created?

Royal Croatian Home Guard was created in 1868.

When did Royal Croatian Home Guard end?

Royal Croatian Home Guard ended in 1918.

What is Spanish Royal Guard's motto?

The motto of Spanish Royal Guard is 'Al servicio de la corona'.

When was Royal Guard of Oman Technical College created?

Royal Guard of Oman Technical College was created in 1976.

How do you get past the guard when you get your ninja outfit on red dragon poptropica?

you use the smoke bombs to make the guard blinded for a few seconds then quickly get past him.

What is the main duty of a samurai warrior?

A royal body guard.