It's sapphire version ure talking. Go to marville city,to the right hand side,there's a guy un a house. He will give u rock smash. Beat the gym to use rock smash.outside of battles.then go ruffles tunnel use rock smash to allow the couple to see each other . They will give u HM STRENGTH.
There is no Rock Smash HM in Pokémon Yellow.
Rock Smash is TM08 in Gold and Silver, is a newer move and therefore is not usable or findable in Pokemon Red, Blue or Yellow.
in Pokemon silver, gold, crystal, yellow, blue or red rock smash don't exist. in the new versions rock smash is a HM.
You can't, you won't need it to finish the game either
rock smash isn't in Pokemon red version
There is no Rock Smash HM in Pokémon Yellow.
Rock Smash is TM08 in Gold and Silver, is a newer move and therefore is not usable or findable in Pokemon Red, Blue or Yellow.
in Pokemon silver, gold, crystal, yellow, blue or red rock smash don't exist. in the new versions rock smash is a HM.
You can't, you won't need it to finish the game either
rock smash isn't in Pokemon red version
none of those moves are in the Pokemon yellow blue or red . remember those r the older versions of Pokemon they don't have the stuff that the other games have
A wide variety of Pokemon can use Rock Smash. Most Fighting, Rock and Ground type Pokemon can learn the move Rock Smash from the TM or HM depending on the Pokemon version.
you need rock smash in caves but i didnt learn rock smash to my pokemon team. you have to use it on a pokemon thats not important
no Pokemon can learn rock smash by leveling up you have to get the hm.
In Pokemon Liquid Crystal, you can obtain HM Rock Smash by speaking with a man in Violet City. He is located near the Pokemon Center and Sprout Tower. After receiving HM Rock Smash, teach it to a Pokemon that is capable of learning the move, and then you can use it to smash rocks blocking your path.
No, it cannot learn Rock Smash.
No Oddish cannot learn Rock Smash.