get a squirt bottle from the store or flower shop or something idk lol just look for a squirt bottle that's all i remember...
To get rid of the tree you need to beat Whitney.Then go to the flower shop.Talk to the lady inside and then she'll give you the squirt bottle.Go to the tree talk to it and use the squirt bottle.You will be fighting a Sudowoodo lvl. 20.It is a rock type POKéMON.After that talk to the lady near the tree and she'll give you the berry pots.Then the tree is gone.It IS possible to catch Sudowoodo.It knows: mimic flail low kick and rock throw.
Slowbro cannot be gotten rid of since its owned by the girl right next to it.
You can't. The move deleter in Fuchsia city.
Yes, you just have to go to Blackthorn city and talk to the Move Deleter (he is on the inside of a house) and he will get rid of any unwanted HM moves.
water it with a spray can, its a sudowoodo. you can battle and catch it too, because that is the only one you will find in that game
you get a water thingy and you use it on the tree
If you're talking about the "tree" north of Goldenrod City, get the squritbottle and squirt the tree. It's really a Sudowoodo, and it will attack you.
youbeat whitneythan get that watere thing from the store in goldenrod than water the tree
I would recommend hiring someone to get rid of the tree for you. If you're in London, Ontario, check out Summit Tree Service (website
go to the city where the 4th gym badge is ( i forgot the name of the city ). the city is on the route of where the weird Pokemon tree that you can capture or get rid of it with squirt bottle ( you get it from the lady in the house next to the goldenrod gym ) any ways u go up on that route and talk to people in that city and some1 gives you the dousing machine. WRONG! this is what you do. you go to ecruteak city. all you do is go to all the houses and someone in one of those houses gives you the dowsing MCHN.A man will give you one in Ecruteak City
Lick the sap off of the tree.
What to use on Olive tree with termites
A mixture of sugar and boric acid spread around the tree gets rid of ants. A circle drawn in chalk around the trees also gets rid of ants as they do not cross the line. Hot water poured down the ant hills near the tree will also get rid of them.
The easiest way to get rid of weird or distorted text in Adobe After Effects is to filter the text with the sharpening tool. This will make the edges appear sharper and the text easier to read.
Tie him to a tree
no you do not have to cut out every section of bag worms in your tree to get rid of them
To get rid of the tree you need to beat Whitney.Then go to the flower shop.Talk to the lady inside and then she'll give you the squirt bottle.Go to the tree talk to it and use the squirt bottle.You will be fighting a Sudowoodo lvl. 20.It is a rock type POKéMON.After that talk to the lady near the tree and she'll give you the berry pots.Then the tree is gone.It IS possible to catch Sudowoodo.It knows: mimic flail low kick and rock throw.