Yes, you just have to go to Blackthorn city and talk to the Move Deleter (he is on the inside of a house) and he will get rid of any unwanted HM moves.
Alakazam cannot learn any HM moves.
no Pokemon knows all the hm moves!
There's a move deleter in blackthorn city he can remove hm moves.
No. Froslass can't learn any HM moves. She can only learn TM moves.
In Fuchsia City, the Move Deleter lives in the house on the left of the Pokemon Center. He can make your Pokemon forget moves, including HM's.Go to fuschia city and head to the Pokemon center but enter the house right to the left of it inside is a guy who calls himself the move deleter choose the Pokemon you want to delete the HM move from choose the HM move and say YES to get rid of it.
you c'ant erase hm mouves
U cant get rid of HM moves in any pokemon game
You can delete HM Moves via the Move Deleter, who is located in Canalave City.
He is in canalave city. To get there you need the HM surf. You can get it in celestic town. If you want to delete some moves, be ready to get rid of HM moves.
Talk to the Move Deleter. He always has a sign outside his house and is in a "Major" city.
Alakazam cannot learn any HM moves.
no Pokemon knows all the hm moves!
Go to Lilycove City. The Move Deleter is inside one of the northernmost homes. Talk to him and he'll delete the move for you.
There's a move deleter in blackthorn city he can remove hm moves.
In Canalave city there is a house below the Pokemon center and above the store. In that house is a person called the move deleter. Talk to him and he will make any HM moves go away that you want.
No. Froslass can't learn any HM moves. She can only learn TM moves.
If by delete a HM you mean get rid of said HM you can't. Otherwise if you want to get rid of an HM move a Pokemon has learned, go to the Move Deleter in Lilycove City. His house is to the left of the Lilycove Department Store.