There's a move deleter in blackthorn city he can remove hm moves.
in blackthorn city there is a house full of people that can teach moves to pokemon, make pokemon forget moves etc;
you go to blackhorn city and there you will find a place there
It learns Hyper beam on lv. 57.
It's only proper weakness is dragon type moves
sorry you have to trade it to Pokemon soul silver
in blackthorn city there is a house full of people that can teach moves to pokemon, make pokemon forget moves etc;
There is a move deleter who can make pokemon forget HM moves.
Yes you can trade them over but they won't be able to forget the HM moves until you find the move deleter.
you go to blackhorn city and there you will find a place there
It is in a house next to a Pokémon center, in Blakthorn City.
goldenrod and celadon department store.
Whatever you teach it! :D
You need the Pokeflute, but I forget where it is.
you have to get to blackthorn city first
hydro pump, hydro cannon and two defensive moves.
You can find them hidden in pathways were you are suppose to pass