There have been no viruses created for the Xbox 360.
You can do it by modding your xbox 360. But it is very dangerous as virus can be transmitted through it.
xbox 360.The Xbox 360 is the best as it can run games for both the Xbox and the Xbox 360.
xbox original xbox 360 core xbox 360 arcade xbox 360 premium xbox 360 elite xbox 360 super elite
You can't since the Xbox 360 has better graphics and things you can do on an Xbox 360. And considering that the Xbox 360 came out after the Xbox.
No. There is no way to have a virus on your Xbox 360.
There have been no viruses created for the Xbox 360.
I don't known at Xplorer360 can get damaged and a virus at to both xbox 360 and pc.
No because xbox do not have windows
You cannot get a virus on your xbox 360 unless you messed around with your xbox 360 firmware.
You can do it by modding your xbox 360. But it is very dangerous as virus can be transmitted through it.
it will cause a virus
Get a Ps3
There is a near to impossible chance of getting a virus on Xbox, as they don't program viruses for a gaming console.
The Xbox 360 console will not get viruses from playing any game.
probably. have you ever tried? if it doesn't, buy another XBOX. they're cheap, you know?
Throw the xbox 360 out the window and buy a playstation then stamp on the ruined remains of somthing you never should of bought in the first place