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I think regi ice ither hides in a cave in a route in the battle island, Mt. cornet, or the mountain that you have to take a boat to. forgot the name. but i know you have to do something first before you can get to him.

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Q: How do you get regi ice in Pokemon platinum?
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On Pokemon platinum where do you find regi ice regi steal and regi rock?


How do you get regi ice on Pokemon platinum?

migrate it from ruby, sapphire, or emerald

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you cant you can only get regi rock regi ice and regi steel in Pokemon platinum when you have the national pokedex

Does regi ice evolve on Pokemon diamond?

No, but another Regi exists in this game. Also in the game that is coming out (Pokemon Platinum) Regigas has a new form.

How do you catch regi ice regi steel and regi rock in Pokemon platinum with out cheting?

you can i just don't know how to reggirock is on top of resort area

How do you get regig rock regig steel regig ice on Pokemon platimum?

Sorry but you can't get them on Pokemon Platinum. You have to migrate regi rock regi steel and regi ice from eiter ruby or sapphire, ( idk about emerald) i hope i helped ;)

How can i catch the 3 the regi's in Pokemon Platinum?

you cannot catch the 3 regi's in Pokemon platinum you have to catch them in Pokemon emerald then transfer them to Pokemon platinum. thnx

Does the never melt ice help you get regi ice omn Pokemon platinum?

No, it just makes what ever Pokemon that's holding it ice attacks stronger.

Can you catch regi ice on HeartGold?

No. You'll need to trade it from Pokemon Platinum or migrate it from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.

How do you get regi Pokemon platinum?


What legendary Pokemon can you on Pokemon ruby?

I only know Regi rock,regi ice,regi stell and raquaza

Where do you get a regi ice on Pokemon diamond?

You can only get regi ice in sapphire,ruby,and emerald.