I couldn't find it either but then some randomly showed up in the five patches of dirt where you can plant seeds behind the village in the upper right corner of the map. Hope that helped!
no games are only for ipod touches, ipod nanos, ipod nano touches, the original ipod, iphones and any other apple product with a screen (ex. not the ipod shuffle)
Games for the iPod Nano and iPod Classic cost about $4.99 each. However, there are certain apps for the iPod Touch and iPhone that are free.
To transfer download iPod apps (games) onto your iPod, connect your iPod to the computer and open iTunes. Click on the Ipod sign. Then when it says update or restore go to the top of that little bar above it. It will say "summary, apps, ext.. Click on apps and mark the apps you want to put back on your Ipod. Hope that helped.
Add a background image to the iPod Touch via the Photos tab while the iPod is connected to iTunes. You can then select the image in the iPod's settings and set as wallpaper. (See links below)
No, the iPod Touch cannot come in purple. The iPod touch can only come in one color, which is silver on the back with a black front. No other colors have been made for the iPod touch yet.
Puple Purple Purple its sooo you! that's the colour iam buying!
One can purchase a purple iPod case at the same store they bought the iPod. Some stores that carry iPod accessories are Best Buy and Target. For online, a giant retailer like Amazon will offer the product as well.
It is purple because that is his favorite color!
a little bit but you can definitely tell its purple its like a royal purple
eBay. Deffinately.
This is completely up to you. It is a big step in your life and you want to get it correct. So here are the colour to choose from: * pink * red * orange * yellow * green * blue * purple * black * silver. If I am honest with you, it is completely up to you. Just think, what is your favourite colour. It is pretty simple. I myself have a purple iPod. I must say if you are to get an iPod get either a iPod Touch or iPod Nano. iPod shuffles are very small and Nanos are better than classics. I hope that this information helped you.
the new nano can but not the first version . i have a green one :)
The iPod Nano 4G comes in pink, purple, yellow, orange, black, silver, green, blue and red.
click on iTunes. The sign looks like a purple square with a music note on it
The iPod Nano 8gb is available in an assortment of colors. Some of the available colors for this particular product include purple, black, silver, and blue.