Pumpkin seeds can be found in abandoned mineshaft chests and by putting a pumpkin into a crafting table. They are used to grow more pumpkins.
You can get pumpkin seeds randomly in chests in dungeons in Minecraft.Pumpkin seeds in Minecraft can be crafted from pumpkins in the crafting grid.
Put a pumpkin in the crafting table or self crafting
The farmland you plant the seeds in, needs to have a water block close by.
There is an infinite amount of seeds in minecraft.
there are about 2^64 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 Minecraft seeds
You can get pumpkin seeds randomly in chests in dungeons in Minecraft.Pumpkin seeds in Minecraft can be crafted from pumpkins in the crafting grid.
Put a pumpkin in the crafting table or self crafting
The farmland you plant the seeds in, needs to have a water block close by.
Seeds are found in the gooey inside of the pumpkin.
Kaddu Beej
You can only find them in abandoned mineshafts and strongholds. However you can find pumpkin seeds on land if your lucky. Once you have got some seeds you can grow them to get more seeds, also they grow very rapidly compared to some other crops in minecraft.
Well they are called pumpkin seeds not pumpkin nuts so theoretically the are seeds. Also this is serious they are seeds! :D
pumpkin seeds are little seeds what are inside a pumpkin thats the answer !
Yes, pumpkin seeds will upset your tummy
Pumpkin seeds come from a Pumpkin, just like strawberry seeds come from a strawberry, and cherry pits come from cherries.
Pumpkin seeds are boiled in salt water, drained and then baked in the oven.
If you plan to eat the pumpkin seeds, do not wash them with soap.