when your in the crash site go straight ahead and make a right then go on top and go to the machine don't touch the red button!
You Must Have Upgrade Adventure Quest
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Adventure Quest Worlds is an online role playing game developed by Artix Entertainment. At this time there is no way to give gold away in Adventure Quest Worlds.
Friends list in Adventure Quest Worlds no longer work due to hackers, scammers and stalkers.
its like the rustbucket armor but its for members
The mithril man from adventure quest worlds is not the protosartorium its the big guy at the back of the red laser.mithril man can drop enforcer class and its for the quest of getting the piston-driven polearm.
ProtoSartorium is a class and it is dropped by the ProtoSartorium(monster)in the crash siteEnternalflamer
just go to the chat bar and type /join dwakel and go left all of the way
The Protosartorium parts for the quest can be found in the Morytania Slayer Tower. They are dropped by certain monsters inside the tower, such as the Aberrant Spectres, Bloodvelds, and Spiritual Mages. Keep killing these monsters until you collect all the required parts for the quest.
In the Crash Site. Type /join dwakel.
on the adventure quest worlds wiki
when your in the crash site go straight ahead and make a right then go on top and go to the machine don't touch the red button!
you cannot make a weapon in adventure quest worlds
adventure quest, adventure quest worlds,
The web address of Adventure Quest Worlds is http://www.aq.com/.
To get to protosartorium,you need to go to dwakel then walk straight then keep on walking right but if you found him dont touch the laser.It is easy as a pie walk