afte completing the shinoh pokedex, go to Prof. Birch and their should be a cut scene where Prof. Oak comes and gives you the nantional pokedex
You need to complete your Sinnoh pokedex. Then talk to prof. Rowan, after your pokedex has been upgraded, Rowan will give it to you.
pokedex or National
Umbreon is for the national Pokedex, and Elekid is #197 in the Sinnoh Pokedex.
Lucario's pokedex number in the National Pokedex is 448.
146 is Uxie on sinnoh pokedex On National pokedex it is Moltres
You have to beat the game once and then your pokedex will be upgraded.
Sandgem town after you get the pic. of them all...
you can see diffrent forms
You need to complete your Sinnoh pokedex. Then talk to prof. Rowan, after your pokedex has been upgraded, Rowan will give it to you.
This is an upgraded version of the pokedex you will get this after becoming pokmeon champion as long as you recorded 60 species of Pokemon in the pokedex.
beat the elite 4, and you have seen all 210 pokemon, then go and talk to professor rowan in sandgem town. when you do, professor oak will arrive and upgrade your pokedex to the national version. you will also get the ppokeradar.
yes but you have to get your pokedex upgraded and find a certain building on route 15
The sinnoh dex is the first pokedex in d/p/p. The other games start with their region's pokedex, then get upgraded to the national dex IF you are NOT playing red, blue, or yellow version(s).
Trade it while it is holding metal coat. You can only do this when you have obtained or upgraded your pokedex to national mode
A national pokedex is usually gained late game, the national pokedex is an upgraded pokedex which records information about Pokemon around the nation, including Pokemon from previous generations, a national pokedex also allows Pokemon to evolve into forms which have been discovered in different games or generations i.e (in Pokemon Firered and Leafgreen, it is only possible to evolve golbat into crobat after acquisition of the national pokedex).
your trainer card gets upgraded one level and you get a shiny diploma. yay!! all that work for a diploma
bill does not give you the rainbow pass. celio gives it to you after you obtain the upgraded pokedex from professor oak for obtaining 60 pokemon. ( i think you might have to beat the elite four first but i am not sure.)