First get $ (by battling trainers or gyms) and go to the Mart Co. (left column) and there you go.
Pokemon and pokeballs
you can't
Pokeballs can be purchased from marts, or obtained from item balls or NPCs.
You can find ether in pokeballs. Just look for pokeballs and you will find.
Your Account > Pokemart
In the Mart. Co
Pokemon and pokeballs
Pokeballs have been created and come with pokemon action figures but not living Pokemon.
Actually you cannot buy any pokeballs in Pokemon volcano!
you can't
buy pokeballs!
Pokeballs can be purchased from marts, or obtained from item balls or NPCs.
You can find ether in pokeballs. Just look for pokeballs and you will find.
Pokeballs are basic and arent that great at catching pokemon. Greatballs are slightly better. Ultra are the best quality to catch pokemon. Masterballs no matter what will catch the pokemon.
with pokeballs
Your Account > Pokemart