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Q: Where do you get pokeballs in Pokemon Red?
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Pokeballs are red healing berries are blue your my Pokemon cause i choose you?

What exactly are you asking? -seal339

What colors are in the Pokemon logo?

The Pokemon logo is yellow with a blue border. Pokeballs are red and white. Pokemon vary in colour. The Pokemon game from Nintendo comes in a variety of colours.

What do Pokemon trainers need?

Pokemon and pokeballs

Are pokeballs real with Pokémon inside?

Pokeballs have been created and come with pokemon action figures but not living Pokemon.

Where can you find red share in Pokemon platinum?

Some do you find in pokeballs around in rutes. but moste of them do you find in the underground

How do you get rid of the All Pokeballs cheat in Pokemon Fire Red?

get a gamboy action replay and find the cheat on the computer

What is the masterball code?

Entering the GameShark code 01017CCF in Pokemon red/blue allows free pokeballs to be bought at the pokemart.

Where can you get pokeballs in the game pokemonvolcano?

Actually you cannot buy any pokeballs in Pokemon volcano!

How do you catch Kyogre with an ultra ball in pokemon emerald?

weaken it, then once it's way in the red, use a bunch of pokeballs, then after you're out of pokeballs, use an ultra ball. it should work after a couple tries.

How do you catch Articuno without a master ball in Pokemon fire red?

weaken it's health to red and paralyze it. use tons of pokeballs or other kinds.

How do you catch all Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?


How do you take pokemon' out of pokeballs' in pokemon' platinum version?

you can't