You have to keep taking your Pokemon into battles and level him up. Harder areas will give you more experience and level him up faster. It's worth it, really. Level 100 Pokemon are really strong and nice to have around to help you with the game.
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
NO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! In red and blue only pokemon's level can go way beyond level 100.
no when it is level 100 you cant evolve it any more
No you can not get Pokemon higher than level 100.
at level 100
Well,actually I think that Pkemon Emerald is the best,because you can catch both Groudon and Kyogre(this is 100% true) and there is a Battle Frontier.
youl find out talk to you in person...................................
Route 119, 124
By trading and catching them i think
It's called "Pkemon Leafgreen"
yeah..Pokemon is real...look at the mirror you will Pokemon
its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.
Zekrom level 100 Arceus level 100 Kyurem level 100. Transfer Giratina level 100 dialga level 100 azelf level 100
i dont because i dont see lots of pkemon diamond
it means its holding an item
Use a gameshark code that is the only way