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Q: How do you get pink butterfree in crystal?
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Where to catch the pink butterfry in HeartGold?

There is no Pink Butterfree in the games. This one only appears in the series. You have a small chance of finding a Shiny Caterpie or Metapod, but the Butterfree will be darkblue/black bodied and pinkish wings and green eyes and pink hands and feet. It isn't like the Butterfree of the series.

Can you catch a pink Butterfree in the Pokemon games?

You go to the first place you were first (grass zone), then go to the land in the river and then dash into the white tree and a caterpee will fall and when you beat it in dash a butterfree will arrive there

How do you get the golden oddish in Crystal version?

A golden oddish is just like a red gyrados, or a pink butterfree. They're shiny pokemon. They have enhanced stats but you only have a 1 in 1000 chance in encountering one. Of course the red gyrados is just right there in the lake.

Does butterfree evolve?

No, butterfree does not evolve. Butterfree is the last stage evolution of caterpie. Caterpie, Metapod and then Butterfree.

What level does catterpie evolve Pokemon Crystal?

Caterpie evolves into Metapod at level 7, and then into Butterfree at level 10

Who would win in a Pokemon battle of Butterfree vs. Cubone?

Butterfree because butterfree has better stats.

What Pokemon have the compundeyes ability?

Butterfree, Venonat, Yanma, Nincada

What type is the Pokemon Butterfree?

Butterfree is a Bug-Flying type.

What is the hink-pink for a glass gun?

crystal pistolcrystal pistol

Can Butterfree learn fly in Pokemon LeafGreen?

No, Butterfree cannot learn Fly.

What does dutterfree evolve into?

Butterfree does not evolve, a Caterpieevolves into a Metapod and then the Metapod evolves into Butterfree.

Will ash see butterfree again?

Unfortunately no, assuming Butterfree acts the same way normal butterflies do. After Butterfree mates, it will die. But I suppose you can always hope...