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You have to get him to turn round then throw the pie

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Q: How do you get pie face lick on office jerk?
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How do you get the pie face lick on office jerk?

Lick me, tonight. I'll tell you then(;

How do you get giant face lick in office jerk?

you have to keep throwing pie at him. good luck!

Flat face shape or a pie face what does that look like?

Pie face

How do you eat pie with your feet?

you put ur f eet in the pie and lick them :P YUM! p.s. pie is spelled py

My birthday wish is to receive a pie in the face Who wants to smash a pie in my face?

I want to!! Smashing a pie in someone's face would be fun!!

What are the qualities of land in china?

So quality you could lick it and not eat pie

Who played pie face in the Harry Potter movies?

Nobody in Harry Potter is called Pie Face.

Who invented the first pie to the face?

The first pie to the face was in the 1909 silent film Mr. Flip, in which Ben Turpin was pied in the face.

What is a pieface?

Pie in face

What do you need to make a pie to smash in your face?

You need some whip cream pie crust and a pie bowl just bake the pie crust then put enough whip cream in to fill it and throw it in somones face :)

What is pineapple pie?

I think it is when you do a flip in the air but land on your butt on a camels head then you eat a popcicle and lick the leg of the embassador of mexico. Or mabey its a pie with pineapples that you eat

Would you rather throw a pie in face?

place the pie on the palm of your hand pie facing upwards. stand a few feet in front of victim lift your arm up carefully plant the pie gently but firmly on the center of their face standing back to avoid getting any on yourself.