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you cant. usually they are gone forever

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Q: How do you get patched items on Club Penguin?
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Non patched items for penguin storm 8.0?

The only non patched items are the items in the catalog

What is penguin storm 6?

Penguin Storm 6 is a program that you can use to hack Club Penguin. You can fake items, make your character large, and obtain coins unfairly. It has since been patched.

What is a patched item on Club Penguin?

Using Club Penguin hacking programs you can put ids to get old stuff for free and when you type in the ID for the item is sometimes says PATCHED and you can't get the selected item.

How do you get patched items in Penguin Storm 6.1?

hi this is superman422 and they are patched because you dont have them in catalogs yet kk

How do you share items on Club Penguin?

you cant share items on club penguin

Where are free Club Penguin items?

you get free items unless you are a member of club penguin

What are the answers to unlock items from Club Penguin?

Club Penguin SGary

Where do you get the items in Club Penguin water hunt?

from around club penguin

What Can you upload items from Club Penguin elite penguin force to your Club Penguin account?

yes you can

If you are not a member on Club Penguin?

If you are not a member on Club Penguin, You can still get the free items and you can win items sometimes too!

How do you get the id for items on Club Penguin?

Go on Google and search: Club Penguin Items IDAnd then you probably find it :)

Unlockin items on Club Penguin?

To unlock items in club penguin, you have to go to an item in a party and click on it, and u'll get it.