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Get Past Shaking TreeGet the Squirtbottle from a woman in a house in Goldenrod City. Use the Squirtbottle on the tree and it will attack you. The strange tree is a Sudowoodo. It reappears every 2 weeks, so if you didn't get to catch it, go back to the area where it appeared last 2 weeks.

You will need to have beaten the gym in Goldenrod City. The house is the flower shop next to the gym. If you come back after a while, the lady who gave you a Squirtbottle will sell you some fertilizer.

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Q: How do you get past the shaking tree in Pokemon Silver?
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you get the squirtbottle at the flower shop and water the tree(which is Sudowoodo)

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The tree will be shaking

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A rare Pokemon is on a honey tree when you see the tree shaking. (the more it shakes the rare the Pokemon )

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you must water it using either the squirtle bottle, or the water pail, then it will reveal it'self to be a pokemon!sudowoodo

How do you get an Ambipom in Pokemon Silver?

well you could just get Pokemon platinum or diamond/pearl and trade it from there another way to find it is put honey on a yellow tree and every day check if it is shaking if it is talk to the tree and a apom or combee will show up if the tree does not shake put some more honey on it.

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Wait a couple of game hours until the tree starts shaking check it with A to make a Pokemon appear.

What is sudowoodo in Pokemon Silver?

a rock Pokemon disguised as a tree

How do you you get a ampom in pokemon pearl?

Aipom is a pokemon occasionally found after checking a honey tree (yellow). You will need to have used honey on that tree. After a period of time (a few hours), if the tree is shaking, there is a pokemon there. The pokemon you find from honey trees can vary.

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It's Ninjask; found by shaking the tree on Chroma Road.

How long do you wait for a honey tree to get Pokemon 046 in Pokemon Diamond?

You wait about it is a little over 12 hours. The more it is shaking the rarer the Pokemon is.

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you buy honey in floroma town,put it on a goldish tree and whait a while as in 4or5 hours. then if you get lucky you can go up to the tree and catch him. the tree will be shaking if a Pokemon is in it