Some users have tried jumping over the window, but this is unnecessary. Wait until you see the guard's shadow cross the window, and quickly run across.
Wait until her shadow moves away from the Security Room window, then run across.
Hid behind the statues and/or plants.It is too dark for the cameras to see you. The things to avoid are the female security guard in the office, and the lasers in the statue room. (Hiding behind the statues works.)
Duck past the Security Room when you don't see the shadow on the window blinds. Then hide behind the statues to avoid the lasers as you make your way to the exit at the right side.
When you are released from jail, get the timecard from the security guard, who is at the Clown Store. Use the video in the museum's security room to get a photo of the thief. When you show it Downtown, you will chase the thief on the scooters from the All that Jazz Cafe to the docks. When he escapes, head back to the museum where a package is waiting. Fly to Early Poptropica and meet the curator from Counterfeit Island. She is in the Pop Art museum and will give you the key.
If you have entered it from the tunnel system then you can exit it the same way. if you have entered it from the door you can use the door. if you need to get into the supply room you have to get a job first which means you have to talk to the assistant curator. once you get the job he will give you a key to the supply room. i hope your question was about counterfeit island. also i hope this helped.
In the upper left of the museum.
Wait until her shadow moves away from the Security Room window, then run across.
To pass the Security Room, wait until the guard's shadow is no longer on the window.
in the lighted room on the second floor
You have the picture that shows how to move the features on the Dragon Face, and you have the key to the Supply Room. Duck past the Security Room, and hide behind the statues to avoid the lasers in the Statue Room.
The Security Room is down the hallway off the main gallery, at the upper right. You crosss the Statue Room on the way to the Security Room and the Supply Room.
Duck past the window, (arrow pointing down/yellow), to get past the security room, then when you enter the statue room, hide behind the statues. You then go out into the hallway and climb the rope above the painting and wait.
you go behind the furniture and statues
Duck behind the statues, then move right when the lasers move away. When you get close to the door, go out into the gallery.
Once you duck past the Security Room, and hide behind the statues to avoid the lasers, exit through the doorway at the right and go to the painting The Scream in the gallery.
He is in the Bobo's Clown Store. After you talk to him, get his timecard and go back to the security room.
When entering the museum at night, you slip past the security office and then avoid the lasers in the statue room. When you reach the painting, jump onto it. This may not seem wise, since you immediately get caught...but it is the next step in the quest.