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Hid behind the statues and/or plants.
It is too dark for the cameras to see you. The things to avoid are the female security guard in the office, and the lasers in the statue room. (Hiding behind the statues works.)

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Q: How do you get past security on Counterfeit Island?
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How do you get past security in counterfeit island?

look up the walkthrough on youtube its so easy.

How do you get past the Security Office at night on Counterfeit island?

Just run past the window when the guard's shadow isn't visible on the shades.

How do you get past the snowballs on Counterfeit Island?

There are no snowballs on Counterfeit Island. (see the related question)

What to do when you finished doing the dragon on counterfeit island?

Go through the hatch and try to get past the museum security till you get to the scream painting.

How do you get past the night guard on Counterfeit Island?

Wait until her shadow moves away from the Security Room window, then run across.

How do you sneak past the night time guard on Counterfeit Island?

To pass the Security Room, wait until the guard's shadow is no longer on the window.

How do you sneak past the guards on Counterfeit Island?

You have to get a balloon.

Where is the security room in Counterfeit Island?

In the upper left of the museum.

Where is the security guard after the scream is stolen on counterfeit island?

the security guard is at Bobo's clown store

How do you get past work counterfeit island?

you have to take the underground tour

Were is the security officer in counterfeit island on poptropica?

He is in the BoBo Clown Store

Where is the security guy on Counterfeit Island?

in the lighted room on the second floor