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press "y, n, n, y, y, y, y, n (sarcasm), n, n"

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: How do you get past the robot and spikes in i don't even game?
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How do you get past the robot in I dont even game?

y,n,n,y,y,y,y,n,n,n. There ya go. Hope this help~ :D

I'm looking for a game that I saw in summer 2002 playstation undergroundIt's a giant robot game where you find a girl at the subway and a robot kills her grandmother. Dont think Its Z.O.E Anyone know?

It is called R.A.D. Which I believe to stand for Robot Academy Drive.

How do you get the robot from the robot chronicles?

you achieve 100% in the game and then the robot will be unlocked!

How do you get on four wheeling at spikes game zone?

this is not an answer but since when was there a spikes gamezone on poptropica?

How do you get into the giant bunny robot on poptropica 24 carrot?

you dont get into it. you jump onto a platform nearby the mega bunny robot with the rabbitized kid and the big fat pig of a computer and type in the password. then there will be a game and you have to crash the bunny robot in the asteroids until it breaks.

When did Robot City - video game - happen?

Robot City - video game - happened in 1995.

How do you unlock the robot in Lego robot chronicles?

complete the game (100%)

When was Robot City - video game - created?

Robot City - video game - was created on 1995-12-31.

How do you get the robot to stay still on clubpenguin the ds game?

you dont get him to stay still but you get the blue puffle and throw snow balls at the vault door to get him to stop

How do you get past the wall in the i dont even game?

just type A

How do you get past the ghost king in i dont even game?

you need to take CTRL from him ;)

Code for Lego robot chronicles unlock robot?

to get the robot in Lego Chronicles you must achieve 100% in the game.