on lilycove department store clear out sales go to the top of the store and talk to the person next to the vending machine and buy a solid board. it will cover cracks in secret bases.
To find your Secret Base, talk to the short guy in a house in western Mosdeep City. He will mention a base on a certain route. Go there, and find your Secret Base on that same route!
all you have to do is go into your secret base it says this is your secret base go in say yes then it says leave door open or close and decorate just select that.
Get the TM secret power teach it to a Pokemon then find either a tree with vines, an indent in the wall or a big bush use secret power on these to create your own secret base.
To get an underground secret base, you have to go down there and buy it from a hiker who is selling Traps.He should have a Digger Drill for sale.Buy the Drill from him, then use in on any random underground wall, and... BING!Your secret base is born.
yes you can if you can't do under ground you have to get an explorer kit. but when you do you have to get an digger drill. and pick aplace to have your secret base. :)
You can get items for your secret base in the Veilstone Department Store in Veilstone city. If you fly there, you go up past the Pokemon Center and to the left. It is the tall building.
The presidents secret base is in U.S.A the 'pentagon'.
Secret isn't a verb and doesn't have a past tense form.
find the secret crack
The past tense of crack is cracked.
You cannot fight people in your secret base.
you need a Pokemon that knows secret power use that move to make your secret base
well u have to do the secret base thing with lance and deafeat the red garydos at lake rage
on sapphire/emerald this one boy gives you the move secret power. use it to make a secret base!
you cant cover the holes in your secret base.
To find your Secret Base, talk to the short guy in a house in western Mosdeep City. He will mention a base on a certain route. Go there, and find your Secret Base on that same route!
You cannot make a secret base in Pokemon soul silver.