you eather have to beat the game(the elite four) or use a walk threw walls cheat.
There is no Pokemon Center north of Nacrene City. The next Pokemon Center after Nacrene City is through pinwheel forest and across the Skyarrow Bridge in Castelia City. According to the in game town map Castelia City is west past Nacrene City. There is nothing north of Nacrene City.
No. Pokemon Black and White have new Pokemon that the past games' engines cannot recognize. Even if you battle with Pokemon from previous generations, they might be loaded with moves from the new generation.
Don't you mean yellow not lighting yellow? Anyways you get charmander past Nugget Bridge and off to the left and a guy gives you it.
Defeat Elena first, then you go to Route 5.
but thay just talk about the deserts relik casel
You have to finish the game( beat the elite 4 and N ) and come back
Was marvelous
Turn left at the bridge, straight on past the Pokemon Centre, right past the Pokemon Mart, through the temple of flag, then there you are!
beat the people in the wether instute
You go past a woman holding a pink parasol and you will see a sign which will have trainer tips on it, go left and you will see a fisher man. Go past him and you get to a bridge and that is the end of route 8.
you are unable to send any items from the past games to pokemon black/ white
You gotta:Beat the four elite four.Defeat team Plasma Lord NDefeat team Plasma lord GhestisAND BEAT THE ENTIRE MAIN GAME
You can't get past route 18 because there's nothing past it.
First beat all the gyms, Then, go past White Forest. It is around there somewhere
beat mars in valley windworks
you have to get a Pokemon from white that knows charge