If you are talking about the one to get up Mt. Coronet you have to free the three legendaries
You can get 2 eevees in Pokemon pearl by breeding the eevee you get from Bebe ( her house is next door to the Pokemon center in Hearthome city) with a ditto in the daycare center in Solaceon town.
impossible. You have to trade it with a pearl user. they are as easy to obtain in pearl as murkrows are in diamond : ) ~Sherry PMMewtwo---At the forest inside the right side door in the Pokemon mansion.
by eating cheese!!!!
It,s in eterna city
i'd help but I'm not entirely sure which door you're talking about. could you be more specific?
find palkia come back
You can look at it or smash it. You get a person and he has a hammer and he would smash it with a hammer and there is sometimes a secret door behind it
You can get 2 eevees in Pokemon pearl by breeding the eevee you get from Bebe ( her house is next door to the Pokemon center in Hearthome city) with a ditto in the daycare center in Solaceon town.
You can find Fantina outside the door in the contest hall.
impossible. You have to trade it with a pearl user. they are as easy to obtain in pearl as murkrows are in diamond : ) ~Sherry PMMewtwo---At the forest inside the right side door in the Pokemon mansion.
Maybe you're trying to open the wrong door with the key.
If you mean the harbor door the event is the Darkrai event! It has been distributed previously but you can have it from a friend that has it!
by eating cheese!!!!
It,s in eterna city
Some ancient Pokemon etchings
In Pokemon Pearl version, go to a Pokemon center, up the stairs, you will see doors. go to the second door. the lady will let you in the trading room. (at least 2 other people near you playing must be in that room)
Eterna City pokemon center. The first chick by the door if I recall correctly.