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First you have to go to the Power Plant. Go to route 9 ( east of Cerulean City)then you just keep going east and then you will see a river use surf and keep going downstream then you will see some grass go into the grass and you will be at the Power Plant.Go in it then walk up the stairs and then walk over to the manager who is wearing red and he will say someone took a part to the generator.Then go to the the Cerulean Gym, you there will be a team rocket grunt.He will run onto the brige there.He will try to blend in. You can still see him though.Talk to him again you will battle him.After that he will tell you where the machine part is in the gym.Go to the gym and it will be behind the rubber ring in the upper left corner.After you get the part go back to the Power Plant and talk to the same person over the generator and give the machine piece.In adition he will give you the TM charge beam.Now the magnet train will work.Now go to Lavender Town and go in the Radio Tower. Talk to the guy with the brown hat and he will upgrade your EXPN Card for your pokegear.Go to DIGGLET'S Cave you will see the sleeping SNORLAX.Go in front of it then in your pokegear go to the EXPN Card and drag the target to the top it will say poke Flute.Talk to the SNORLAX.It will wake up and you battle it.

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Q: How do you get past Snorlax in soul silver?
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How do you get past the Snorlax in soul silver?

You go to your pokegear and bring the star to the top, so that it will play the pokeflute. Then while its playing click on the snorlax, then it will wake up. The snorlax is lv50 when you fight it.

How do you battle the Snorlax in soul silver?

use a pokeflute

What type is Snorlax in soul silver?

He is always Normal type.

What level is the sleeping Snorlax in soul silver?

Lv. 50

Pokemon soul silver how to wake up Snorlax?

The Pokeflute!!!!

How do you get past the sleeping Snorlax in Pokemon Soul Silver game?

move the dot on ur radio to the very top. this is the pokeflute channel. use it in front of the snorlax to wake it up. it will attack and you should probably catch it. its the only snorlax in the game.

Where are snorlax located is soul silver?

A Snorlax can be found at the entrance to Diglett Cave that's to the east of Vermillion City.

Where is Snorlax in soul silver?

Snorlax is located in Kanto, blocking the entrance to Diglett's Cave outside of Vermilion City.

Is Snorlax a good Pokemon in soul silver?

Yes. Snorlax has amazing amounts of HP, which make him very bulky.

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Can you catch Snorlax with pokeball in soul silver?

Yes, you can, but the success rate is very low, since the Snorlax is on Level 50.

How do you wake up Snorlax soul silver?

You get the 2nd radio card and click on the top talk to Snorlax and he will wake up.