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go to mt pyer <peer>

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Q: How do you get passed the two grunts in team aqua's hideout in Pokemon emerald?
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How do you get past the two grunts to get into Team Aqua's hideout in Pokemon sapphire?

surf to mt pyre, then battle with the adim (Matt i think) then you should be able to get passed (there are guards that weaken you they are easy just bring strong Pokemon (31-higher)

How do you get passed the aqua grunt in front of that cave Pokemon emerald?

First, you have to defeat the Aqua team at Mount Prye, then you have to defeat the Magma team at their hideout near Lavaridge. Then, the guard will be gone.

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defeat Cyrus at spear pillar

How do you get passed the two aqua grunts at lili cove city in emerald?

go 2 bottom of jagged pass with magma emblem a cave will open

How do you get passed the 2 guys guarding the entrance on Pokemon emerald?

The entrance of what?

Mew in Pokemon Emerald?

event and it has passed. or you can get a game shark and cheat to get it

On Pokemon emerald in the first cave how do you get passed the rocks if you send out a Pokemon how do you do it?

You have to get passed by getting the move rock smash in a house in mauville city

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Go in. Beat the GYM. THAT SIMPLE

Pokemon Emerald how to get passed the guards in team Aqua's hideout?

I think you mean the seafloor hideout, right? Well, first get a Pokemon that knows Strength and rock smash. Well, you go onto the stairs when you enter and go to the south door. There, you battle battle and battle grunts. Finally, when you come to the point where there are many currents like the ones between Slateport and Pacifidlog, try to discover where the currents are pointing at. When you get to the part where there are two people on the left side and a bunch of rocks that you can move with Strength on the right side, you're nearly there! Get past the door and pick up the TM Earthquake and at the bottom of the screen you will see Archie and Kyogre.

How do you get passed the galactic grunts in mount coronet in Pokemon?

you battle them oh and you can get either all three legendary Pokemon azelf mespirit and uxie or get the Pokemon on the front cover of the box thingy you got it with

How do you get passed team aqua in the hideout in emerald?

First you have to stop Team Magma.Go to the Jagged path and go into the hole you see.Battle Team Magma's leader and then go back to Team Aqua's hideout again and there should be nobody blocking the way.

How do you get passed the grunts on Valor Lake?

Um...battle them?