after you get the magnet train pass use the magnet train
You get the Rainbow Pass from Bill in order to have access to the other four islands in the sevii islands.
you must be talkin about Pokemon soulSilver or heartGold. no there is not a pass to go to hoenn. hoenn is not in the game. sorry -RR14
talk to copycat in saffron city, then find the poke doll in the Pokemon fan club, then take it to her.
The Sevii Islands are a fictional archipelago of nine large islands and several small islands surrounding them. They are far south of Kanto, and are home to several legendary Pokemon. They appear in Pokemon LeafGreen and FireRed, and peripherally in Pokemon Emerald.
you need a Pokemon that knows surf. then you try to pass all those trainers in the ater without battling them. ( worked for me ) ( you don't need to ) ( i did it because my friend said the weakest Pokemon was lvl 50. anyway it's easy.
in soulsilver u beat all the gyms beat the kimono girls get master ball blah blah go 2 whirl islands get 2 the bottom and catch lugia. If Heart gold when in pewter city there is a man standing on a rock he gives you a silver wing which lets you catch lugia at lvl 70 in whirl islands
You can catch Lugia by going to Olivine City and Surf down to go to Whirl Islands, go through the cave and then you'll find Lugia. Lugia is level 40 and knows aero blast and hydro pump so be prepared.Once you've got 7 badges, go to the radio tower and get the tidal bell from the director and then go to the dance therter ,pass the test and get the silver wing.Go to whirl islands and get lugi lv.45.
with the tri-pass you unlock islands 1-3. with the rainbow pass you unlock islands 4-7
after you get the magnet train pass use the magnet train
you can't sorry. but to get to seafoam islands or cinnabar island, surf from pallet town. to do that wake the snorlax and go through the tunnel to the right of Vermilion city. hope this helps!
When in a battle with Pokemon you will have 4 option fight,bag,Pokemon/go to Pokemon party menu and run press run to get away from the battle
You get the Rainbow Pass from Bill in order to have access to the other four islands in the sevii islands.
you must be talkin about Pokemon soulSilver or heartGold. no there is not a pass to go to hoenn. hoenn is not in the game. sorry -RR14
You give it back & she will give you the magnet train pass.
You got to stop Team Rocket In Goldenrod City.
you water it with a squirtle pail and try to catch the sudowudo