go to to route 111 and use rock smash then keep on going up then youll be there
You need to get the go-go goggles.
No you cannot catch Entei in Pokemon Emerald.
either left of lilycove, sandstorm bit or water near dewford
You beat the 4th Gym, (fire type) then your rival will give you something, and then you go in.
Rhyhorn evolves into Rhydon at level 42 in Pokemon Emerald Version.
You need to get the go-go goggles.
No. In Pokemon Emerald Version, you can only obtain Pokemon from generations 1, 2 and 3.
Red version was not made to migrate with emerald.
NO you can not play Pokemon emerald in Coloseum.
in the sandstorm. You'll only find cacnea, so you have to make it evolve
ya it got couple Pokemon that emerald version doesnt have
No you cannot catch Entei in Pokemon Emerald.
Get it from Pokemon emerald.
You cannot get Regigigas on Emerald version.
Buy it.