Normally on the original version, you can go into settings to find a 'file share' menu where you can look around in the community to find maps. In the MCC version, you go onto your friend's/fireteam member's spartan profile and look in the file share menu.
go to local files and somewhere in there you can find peoples forge maps based on which maps they are made in such as forge world or sword base
Edit: Reach also has a custom search where you can search for specific map/game names or other player's file shares containing maps, it can also categorise the type of game or map you are looking for. However, to do all this you must have 'Xbox live' with internet connection, if you don't, then you wont be able to go on-line and most of these features will be inaccessible. sorry=(
you go to recent maps if its not their then its gone sorry.
Well you can't save the world on everybody edits cause its just a game where you can build and do other peoples maps:)
YES! Halo reach has a "Forge" feature, which allows players to create maps, the reccomended map is forge world.
Yes, you do.
No. I'm sorry 2 say that I cannot possibly answer this question, as I have just recently started playing halo reach and do not know a lot about it.
i dont kniow
i think so but maybe not they did say they where making 2 maps for invasion :D
peoples Not just peoples use maps aliens too... well just kidding and why is because you can get lost without a map and you can check off and stuff
Basically, halo anniversary comes with a disc and a dlc codefor the anniversary maps, so essentially it just adds maps to the halo reach game, like any other dlc there. Concluding you can conmect to each other.
Its only the HALO:CE maps
you go to recent maps if its not their then its gone sorry.
Well you can't save the world on everybody edits cause its just a game where you can build and do other peoples maps:)
first you go on google maps ,then you go to maps then you type the persons name and it pops up
Artwork. Most ancient maps were decorated by beautiful - if often fanciful - pictures of the nature, peoples and animals of the countries that were depicted.
No. Anniversary only comes with the six new matchmaking maps and the new firefight map. You only have access to those maps on the Anniversary disc. The only way to play both the Reach maps and the Anniversary maps is to buy the map pack for Anniversary or buy the game and use the code inside the case to upload the Anniversary maps to your hard drive for your Reach disc to access.
Thankfully, no. Halo: Reach file sharing is completely free. However, if you wish to expand your File Share, or render videos from your Theater mode, you can purchase Bungie Pro. See the related link below for more details.
Not all are free, but you can download forge maps from other people and play them with your friends or alone. You can alose upgrade them.