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If you left d-pad click, then click on Achieve 1-star, it will give you a list of required activities (they will turn green w/a check mark once you have accomplished them)

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Q: How do you get one starring in gallop and ride?
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Is gallop and ride a 2 player Wii game?

no it is only a 1 player game

Are the any free 3d horse games where you can ride around and choose a horse and create a character or stuff like that?

yes gallop and ride

How do you get your gallop skills up?

To improve the gallop skills of a horse, do gallop rides, gallop races, barrel races, and gallop training. If gallop is one of the horse (or pony's) top three skills, lessons will also improve it.

What is tehe meaning of gallop?

To move or run in the mode called a gallop; as a horse; to go at a gallop; to run or move with speed., To ride a horse at a gallop., Fig.: To go rapidly or carelessly, as in making a hasty examination., To cause to gallop., A mode of running by a quadruped, particularly by a horse, by lifting alternately the fore feet and the hind feet, in successive leaps or bounds.

How do you blanket a horse in gallop and ride for the Wii?

you can't. the blanket will only go on your horse when the horse is sick.

How do you start a breeding barn on gallop and ride?

You have to have a 2-star rating & 1000 credit/money to purchase it.

How many gallop racer games are there?

there are 4 gallop racers. gallop racer 2001,2003,2004,and gallop racer 2006

How do you get 1 star point on gallop and ride for Wii?

Click the left arrow button on your Wii remote and click on "Achive one star rank." It will then tell you what to do. Good luck!

How would one describe the sound of a gallop?

There are many ways one might describe the sound of a gallop. The description of the sound of a gallop will vary based on the origination - medical, musical, and animal.

Can Gaspard Ulliel Horse ride?

Yes he can he had to learn it for a film. But he can only walk,trot,gallop and jump small jumps.

Does universal studios have the disaster ride?

Disaster!: A Major Motion Picture Ride...Starring You! is located at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.

What part of speech is gallop?

Gallop is a noun (a gallop) and a verb (to gallop).