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You need to play loads of games and get autos from friends or random people. Make artbooks and movies , when people love your artbooks and rate your movies you would get starcoins!

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Q: How do you get on level 20 from level 3 on Movie Star Planet?
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What is the name of a level 20 on Movie Star Planet?

hippi37 v.i.p.lover jack123 lol123 todayis9 none

What is bex secret on Movie Star Planet to level up?

nothing she doesnt have 1 she had her account for 2 years and now shes on level 20 shes just LUCKY!! lol

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Star Blazers - 1979 Planet Phantom 3-20 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

In paper Mario ttyd how do you be an a list star?

you must be level 20 to be an a-list star.

How do you get free vip on moviestar planet?

by getting to level 20 and you will get a free VIP

How 2 get 10000000 starcoins on Movie Star Planet cheat?

der is no way u kan get dat much starcoins so stop tryin

Is anonymous real?

yes because he has been found as a girl on movie star planet,facebook,twitter and kik but in real life anonymous is a man older than 20 and wanting to take over

How can you get lots of fame on Movie Star Planet?

1. Ask people to give u autographs 2. Make a new account and give yourself autos and love your look make looks rate your movie 5 stars 3. Short movies that how the level 20+ get fame so quick Add me my name on MSP is kiara584 Hope this helped you guys :D

Is moviestar planet bex a vip for free?

Yea She Is! When U Get To Level 20 You Get Free VIP! Cool Right?? That's Why It Is Many people's Dream To Reach Level 20"!

How do you be a VIP free o moviestar planet?

you can by being a level 20 and you get free vip membership

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NewsRadio - 1995 Movie Star 3-8 was released on: USA: 20 November 1996

How do you get a lot of star coins on Movie Star Planet?

You could get a good bit of coins by clicking on the money bags if you are in the chat room, play the games such as dress up or wild cards, spin the daily spinner for a chance to win 5 to 20 coins, or watch movies. Hope this helped! :)