Go to White Forest when Ken is the resident, if he is, use Entralink to go to Black City from Pokemon Black and you'll receive Nidoran.
Yes, the female nidoran is blue and male nidoran is purple
It is impossible to catch a male or female nidoran in Pokemon Ruby. To get one you'd have to get it by trade.
Pokemon Red/Blue Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 43 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 43 Pokemon Yellow Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 9 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 9
Gotta go w/ the original... Nidoran F & Nidoran M.
At The Pokemon Safari In Fuschia City
You go to White Forest when Ken is the resident, then use Entralink to Pokemon Black and go to Black City, then he should be there to give it to you.
Yes, the female nidoran is blue and male nidoran is purple
It is impossible to catch a male or female nidoran in Pokemon Ruby. To get one you'd have to get it by trade.
Nidoran evolves when he or she reaches level 16.
Pokemon Red/Blue Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 43 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 43 Pokemon Yellow Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 12 Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Nidoran (male) learns 'Double Kick' at level 9 Nidoran (female) learns 'Double Kick' at level 9
Both the female and male Nidoran can be found via Pokeradar on Route 201.
Gotta go w/ the original... Nidoran F & Nidoran M.
At The Pokemon Safari In Fuschia City
The Pokemon found in the White Forest depend on the people you have in your version of White Forest (through talking to them and Extralink). The list of avaliable Pokemon are: Lotad, Trapinch, Corphish, Happiny, Aron, Surskit, Magnemite, Starly, Wooper, Nidoran M, Hoppip, Slakoth, Oddish, Nidoran F, Machop, Pidgey, Magby, Gastly, Budew, Rhyhorn, Shinx, Mareep, Porygon, Wumple, Abra, Azurill, Elekid, Togepi, Seedot, Ralts, Whismur and Bellsprout.
Put a male and female Pokemon of same kind in daycare together(or ditto instead of male) and leave them for a day. Example. Nidoqueen+Ditto = Nidoran(M) Nidoran(F) Or. Nidoking+Nidoqueen = Nidoran(M) Nidoran(F) Sorry if i wrote the 2nd evolution instead of 1st
Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon
Nidoran Female.