You mostly play games, but you can also earn wc by selling wajas or selling art (on the forum).
Just never give up ;) You'll get there eventually!
Mweor, pocket puma pets, and dragon empire off the top of my head.
You get one by playing the game were you pick a plastic waja from a pool then you have enough money to get one! Then go on "world" and on the tabs at the left side you will see one where it shows B waja (i don't know why?) then you fill out the page of waja you want then all the people selling one will pop up and a pic of the waja to. Then pic one you want and then click on there pic the click "purchase" and "voila!"You have one!
Yes, wajas the site is absolutely, positively, and completely free. However, if you so wish, you may also purchase some special points on there with real money. Doing so allows you to get an upgraded account with a lot more access to things around the site such as the pear tree, and tags. Have fun on wajas! wajas is stupid i cant even get a stupid waja!
It doesn't work, you will not be able to get wc or cwp
Wajas is in fact open to the public... They have a new URL: Icestar_ Wajas is now open on its old server,!
I doubt that
Sheena Easton, and posting Wajas trivia is only against the rules of Wajas, not other sites.
a stick on wajas is an object that looks like a stick but if equipped your wajas will look like it was still in one of the drawing stages!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Felisfire is one..
20 days