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Q: How do you get mew in diglett cave?
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Where can you get mew now in for firered in Virginia?

this is how you get shiny mew IN FIRE RED, - go to diglett cave right after beating the elite four 47 times - talk to both people at each end and go back into the cave - now go to Pokemon mansion and click the first mew/statue/switch 6 times - you should then go to cerulian cave and go where you caught Mewtwo - stand on the where mewtwo was and use flash facing the wall - a shiny mew should appear in the middle of diglett cave THE END

Were to find diglett in HeartGold?

Go to diglett cave.

What Pokemon are in diglett's cave in FireRed?

Digletts are the only Pokemon in Diglett's cave but they appear so often that when you take your first step into the cave that there is a 7 out of nine chance a Diglett will appear

How do you get to Diglett's Cave in Pokemon Crystal?

Well, to go to Diglett's Cave, you have to Vermillion City in the Kanto Region.

How do you get to viridian forest heartgold?

You can get to the Viridian Forest in HeartGold by going through Diglett's Cave, an entrance to Diglett's Cave is in Vermilion City.

Do you need flash for digglets cave?

No, Diglett's Cave does not require Flash.

How do you get to pewter city on heartgold?

diglett cave

Where do you get dugdrio in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Diglett cave

Where is diglett cave in heartgold?

There are two entrances to Diglett Cave. One is East of Vermillion City, the other South of Pewter City. -Pokemon Guru

Where is mole in Pokemon?

Diglett and Dugtrio, the Mole Pokemon, are located in Diglett Cave to the east of Vermillion City.

Where can you find a diglett in Pokemon Crystal?

In digletts cave

Where is a Snorlax in Pokemon Silver?

in front of diglett cave