i kno u only want the code for mew but that would be too little, so I'll give u my whole collection (these codes are for pkmn sapphire)
Abra 8EE6264B7FA5506A Aerodactyl 11F5BC3EFD0E5DD3 Aipom 8F7B8FA551BE6519 Alakazam A52F239F157183AA Ampharos 03DB2EDAF1498315 Arbok E8B3D4787DB12D1A Arcanine C997ECED821D7BE8 Ariados F50447946C4C5098 Articuno 9F9A431719B26CE8 Azumarill 24A676950E972009 Bayleef FEDD6E758BF7942D Beedrill 4CD61B87F05305C0 Bellossom EE1B4201DA9C6E71 Bellsprout 0E6E78BE6553B936 Blastoise 9DAC9AE70802D361 Blissey 0160D183A2A2A1B6 Bulbasaur C7715E5D4B03490C Butterfree 3D94CBE7806B75AA Caterpie 32D2BE301538D5E2 Celebi A3AFC93BCAE30FEC Chansey 98A9EF2FD4933FE0 Charizard 5F4739E594A6717F Charmander 86FC5D2E2AB49BE7 Charmeleon 8EF2FF70229DABA2 Chikorita 025F2921710FE9F1 Chinchou 741082FC8EF7B960 Clefable A245B05BDBA62586 Clefairy 0A960AD32D88FB71 Cleffa 586090DB2EAC760B Cloyster 6D655CDB8564F3D6 Corsola E3CBB814F78A0FF1 Crobat BA64CBD74C67DA0E Croconaw 7171EB15E4ADEA22 Cubone AF9A564317D23C50 Cyndaquil F3595519C41CB89F Delibird 8C2E6741D5F172A4 Dewgong E4A84A01E8F5F70B Diglett 4E0E095399832EC7 Ditto 5FD5479B25F61E5C Dodrio CCF9E49B5E4CADA8 Doduo C86D9E0AD50F5094 Donphan CBBEF9DC682596BC Dragonair F4BD50DA1B890A51 Dragonite B67EB1994491FC62 Dratini 52F5EC2DDDD29409 Drowzee BA6D6DF7DE9213D6 Dugtrio CFBDF08694AFF44C Dunsparce E5355F5F23DE47E9 Eevee 6817CACBB3725546 Ekans 9746090A9B13D34A Electabuzz EE7D62E6377677A7 Electrode BA4A7DEEB6786158 Elekid C5D22480A2CCC775 Entei ACE71E49475ACE5A Espeon B33E1632D7F709D0 Exeggcute 771695BD9D8BE844 Exeggutor 84689B70FD33AE82 Farfetch'd 0AD1026900EF2DDC Fearow 1B5E43BD9713080E Feraligatr 918632C39DDE2DBB Flaaffy 3FE2F064BB639BA3 Flareon B6691108227D02B3 Forretress 1EAC10AAD4B2DF5D Furret D8607109AD28DB09 Gastly 5F526032B3FFFCE0 Gengar EA51AA85C39E59D4 Geodude F49F0B961CDA9CDE Girafarig AFD25289DC56A0CD Gligar D48A22E1A90FC70A Gloom 191292AD8DA00EED Golbat 3955CE261CBBE2B7 Goldeen F29255BCBB65E9A6 Golduck E668AE7B6C41ABE6 Golem 981E564320350C5C Granbull D2F305AD7D077739 Graveler 33202BC84B640AB3 Grimer 1C079E020E278333 Growlithe 22B7647CF5951FC0 Gyarados EA48F52876018F4F Haunter 973AB5D9C4DD3650 Heracross 088236A9C6933F92 Hitmonchan 513811EAEFBC54A8 Hitmonlee 29025DA46C67823C Hitmontop A5C5D439AE264439 Ho-oh 92BB8BD9629E2D58 Hoothoot 78A0CD579A371B1F Hoppip 3BED40A5C056C098 Horsea A4EBBAA472E72233 Houndoom 7FCE2C2638425484 Houndour A99587CCA49BC248 Hypno E4A57331BFD72F7E Igglybuff E5C58F0E70ACBAAA Ivysaur AC386FDCE1057B11 Jigglypuff 9D6FDEB59E31E1D8 Jolteon 67F9841DE968DA3D Jumpluff 4A91807F7E5AE2BC Jynx E9B195209876042D Kabuto F86734D5046D3F8F Kabutops 922559183F823AF8 Kadabra 82A3DA434AFAFC8E Kakuna 2C90148596BF028B Kangaskhan F5CAF2C4EEB3D467 Kingdra FB5F56E3F2427C25 Kingler 93F26FDC1621EFBB Koffing 3B75EE991DE0E837 Krabby 3F1B3D68D4401611 Lanturn 13534CCF5BB92C8C Lapras 24D3EE0E404F7B3D Larvitar 4C3FD6DDA72A38D9 Ledian 349C7EAC1092228D Ledyba 50757C7AA393D46A Lickitung 5E065A174F8282B0 Lugia E57F3F7864F944D0 Machamp D03BF77285346D77 Machoke 596DD0CA422404AF Machop 754794BB393FBB5E Magby C6A84B78810CD4FC Magcargo 20CBDC4C87541E08 Magikarp 7C77F1892570754C Magmar 608711AD052765EC Magnemite CCBFCC6A6B608D39 Magneton A772B75BC41A2001 Mankey 16FE10289A936148 Mantine F554A963EDA859B6 Mareep B3323FA400976EED Marill 76ECA4FF35F8C4F9 Marowak B3A12885D5D4DA48 Meganium 09C6FA0D4F0F5773 Meowth 4107EE5459F45AC6 Metapod AF02EDC2534F3FF1 Mew 71E09BD117FDFD02 Mewtwo 30621E6F164FED85 Miltank A454BB281CEC3F83 Misdreavus 38744E791BFB4656 Moltres A265FB705EAE2980 Mr._Mime 9FC2557019FFADC8 Muk 88E7528B4EDE64E8 Murkrow F3BA401D74110D94 Natu F4462DB1AF5C874E Nidoking 83AF0E64308DCF7A Nidoqueen A4115F36A58D2F6E Nidoran_F D98621833DC52ADF Nidoran_M 115EE33A047E08D9 Nidorina 340466380412FF7B Nidorino E6FAC0215BFBC7E4 Ninetales 8B104BC53BBB0554 Noctowl FBDBF52B3623B52C Octillery 9202ED83F6B41A95 Oddish FD90C5C22B982804 Omanyte BA9282BB1ADDD98B Omastar F01152ED876CFF58 Onix 43CBABBBB7155781 Paras 28F47730F2BE0E37 Parasect 8F320452F34DE558 Persian 574E9E37CF91E972 Phanpy 8F5688F458987C65 Pichu AE371D2FDBA3CE4E Pidgeot ED21FD834D34C446 Pidgeotto B5A3B3244A2ABD7E Pidgey FB5B7B2ECB8F711B Pikachu 76575913837E7434 Piloswine 1AEE78F1D6412BED Pineco AB82F0EE7D884FB9 Pinsir 525180240E93A551 Politoed 5BA115A03330A906 Poliwag DDCAE2B248356075 Poliwhirl 7522AE0F219A6D01 Poliwrath 9895E70849248155 Ponyta 3EBEFE1EA8493773 Porygon D763E945C958628C Porygon2 F24D39631DE32FEB Primeape 29B920D4925D9207 Psyduck 10CAB90DFBA1D606 Pupitar C9AC6A5E6A92796A Quagsire 6E59C1C960930723 Quilava B962659CFD1C1893 Qwilfish 7148B7F0D8D53003 Raichu 44DC46432E37823B Raikou BCFEE7CDB19EA1CF Rapidash 3D7098F8603A63BA Raticate CBB024C33D4E94CF Rattata 3F2FF398386736A6 Remoraid 4D67593131AC8869 Rhydon 195DB2BBA4007417 Rhyhorn A50BBA40C59DE2FE Sandshrew A90E57848E3070F2 Sandslash DB655BDA4885F2BA Scizor FA2F872FB24A679F Scyther C4C02E8BCB6C0843 Seadra CFC5CD163BFE5AED Seaking C0BF93BBDF9273D4 Seel 0C2314C919D3DAD8 Sentret 6BC6D1883A1559EB Shellder 1EA5B82C6AE3C655 Shuckle 919B1A5D72F996F6 Skarmory 7E5EFBAAF9D18289 Skiploom A200463BD753895E Slowbro 14A9A5E73C6D8285 Slowking D7E57A96CC7B875E Slowpoke 33AD5E4E1F464A59 Slugma 2B169F23E11514BC Smeargle 36066CF966A42091 Smoochum D035F68752B30C9D Sneasel 663BCF6FE0AC9C73 Snorlax 65B08809FC26812C Snubbull 5EB71E4A7E4F4C2B Spearow D50BE2E3E9AC080B Spinarak 1BCCE89836AE52D4 Squirtle F18A71B3474EF1FF Stantler F289D9072638EA9B Starmie 56831CCB1A47A4DC Staryu 3B32D43049596504 Steelix E5181BD87D70413E Sudowoodo 8A0F695E0306DC83 Suicune 0C0BC2BE64E725C6 Sunflora EA4F4358A731A363 Sunkern BCD70C60DC720840 Swinub 432D0CD9868F6A6A Tangela B1510A8B506644ED Tauros 3ED3C52A46C14BD1 Teddiursa 4536DAC419FE88AB Tentacool 36F4CD32ACE8CCB4 Tentacruel B3106F93C70F4300 Togepi F656D5214B02FC73 Togetic 53F6DE66941BAC84 Totodile 658B55E601699F03 Typhlosion 4281A0400FD71E37 Tyranitar D9A33817C2429A0C Tyrogue 057BFEC07D24A566 Umbreon E6FCAD89AF77B153 Unown 1DEE8D9BC2C80AD7 Ursaring 5668474AF3AEF7A9 Vaporeon 418E41694A61E666 Venomoth 7498F3A37D8DE734 Venonat CC91885BA7BDA5D0 Venusaur 6C0E650D9151DC36 Victreebel D1797B9BBC093A3F Vileplume 7B389B12790FFF7D Voltorb 6FABB900F3EEEC61 Vulpix E9243AE60707C461 Wartortle 600C15C97A07635B Weedle 0F02955878490C5D Weepinbell 29CC9E0EF1D7F477 Weezing 4878DB3CEA7C31E1 Wigglytuff FF704C3BBDE35BC2 Wobbuffet 1922B64C93A475E6 Wooper 91166348E9B56CFC Xatu 51CAB7300E9283C0 Yanma 7D316ADF4B760643 Zapdos 9C30E2E21F157234 Zubat A5F54B4743289103
Mew and Mewtwo are two separate Pokemon. One cannot evolve into the other. But, you actually can evolve Mew to Mew Two by the Game shark code or cheat codes.
there is not one
No. Mewtwo is a clone of Mew; not an evolution.
I suggest not to use cheat codes because it could jacked up you game. I put a cheat code in for aster balls and it worked but then the next time I played I went to battle mew two and I literally died in the game.
game shark cheat codes are long numbered and lettered codes that you enter on a game shark device that fits is a game boy advance.
You have to upload it from FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald.
mew cant be caught in ruby unless you have a game shark
Mew can only be obtained by using a Game Shark. Other than that, you must have gone to one of the Nintendo Events that gave out Mew at the time Red and Blue versions were in their prime.
no, because you need an Action Replay or a Game Shark
you have to buy a game shark
event and it has passed. or you can get a game shark and cheat to get it
You cannot, and I repeat, CANNOT find Mew in Pokemon Leaf Green and Fire Red. there is a way to get Mew, and that is via a game shark code, but Mew will not obey if you catch it with a game shark code (So basically just for a pokedex entry). The only way to get a usable Mew is to go to Faraway island in Pokemon Emerald using the Old Sea Chart and/or Gameshark warp codes, and trade from Emerald to Leaf Green
There are no way to get mew in Pokemon fire red... You can only get him in rubby/sapphire.... Unless.. You will use game shark codes>.
You cannot catch mew unless you have a cheating device such as game shark. If you do not have the cheating device, then im afraid its impossible to catch mew in emerald. :(
There is no way of catching Mew without a Game Shark in Pokémon Silver, Gold and Crystal.Alternatively, however, you can obtain a Mew in Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow versions. I won't go into how to do that here, though, as there are several websites that have this information (try YouTube for visual info). This is caused by a glitch, and is legit (technically). You can then trade it to Pokemon Gold, Silver, and/or Crystal.