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by completing all the gym battles in johto( then finding the dragon fang) and you will get a phone call from prof elm,fly to his lab,then he will give you a master ball,to get more balls equip a Pokemon with a master ball and duplicate that Pokemon

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Q: How do you get masterballs in Pokemon Gold and silver?
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How many masterballs do you get in Pokemon HeartGold and Soul Silver?

only one. unless you trade with other versions that have some (as in Pokemon holding masterballs and then trading it to your game)

How do you get unlimited masterballs in Pokemon Soul Silver?

The only you can get unlimited masterballs is to use an Action Replay deivce. It's sold at places like Walmart.

How do you get a cheat for master ball on Pokemon silver?

You don't! You put the masterball on a pokemon, then clone it. Then you have two masterballs, detach them. There you go!!!!!

What color apercorn is the gs ball in Pokemon Silver?

its the silver apercorn in Pokemon silver and its the gold apercorn in Pokemon gold

What is the code for 999 masterballs in Pokemon Platinum?

what is the code for 999 masterballs for pokemon platinum?

How do you can you catch legiondary Pokemon in soul silver?

well what i did, was i got masterballs from another game and used it on the LEGENDARY pokemon. but you could fight them i guess...

Is there going to be new Pokemon in Pokemon herat gold and soul silver?

no there wont be but there will be Pokemon that you couldn't get in silver and gold and but no new Pokemon

Where do you find 99 masterballs inside the ship in gold version?

Lols, you can't find 99 masterballs, someone have tracked you. But u could get 99 masterballs! If you make your Pokemon hold a masterball, then clone him, if u clone him right will you have 2 pokemons, and both is holding masterballs.

When will Pokemon Gold and silver come out?

Gold and silver came out in 2003.

Will Articuno Zapdos and moltres be in Pokemon Gold?

They are not in Pokemon Gold and Silver. However, they are catchable in the remakes of Gold and Silver, HeartGold and SoulSilver.

How does the Pokemon modifier code work for Pokemon soul silver?

you throw away masterballs so u have the number of the Pokemon.say u want kangaskhan.u throw away 378 masterballs to get 115.don't worry about the ultraballs cause they are for the level and i does not hit L in the grass to get the Pokemon and if you want arceus you just hit get more masterballs hitL+R.

Where do you get a red Gyarados on Pokemon platinum?

you don't get one.but you can in Pokemon gold,silver,heart gold,and soul silver.