SORRY guys or girls the only way is to catch a magby by inserting a leaf green or firered i think and then go to stark mountain, and he's yours train magby=magmar then let magmar hold a magmorizer while trading him then well you have magmortar good luck pokefans
Did you mean Magneton or Magmar. If it is Magneton or Magmar you have to trade them.
somewhere in Fuego ironworks or catch a Magmar
The only way to get magmar in diamond and pearl is to level up magby to lvl 30.You get magby by going to route 227 (after you get the national pokedex)you put in leaf green in the gb cartirage.if you have platnium you hve to discover it from an egg and u dont need the leaf green. in platnium you get magmar automaticly by going to fuego iron works.
give your magmar a magmirizer and trade with it to get the evolve form of magmar.
he does not...only in diamond and pearl he evolves with a magmarizer...sorry but its true.even a forum can prove it.....magmortar is a sinnoh pokemon.he doesnt exist in leaf green, but magmar is preety good and he learns good moves.if you have D/P/Platinum,you can migrate it and evolve it with magmarizaer!!!
Did you mean Magneton or Magmar. If it is Magneton or Magmar you have to trade them.
action replay
Get the Magmarizer and let Magmar hold it. Then trade Magmar. In Diamond, it is hard to get a Magmarizer, but in Pearl, it is SO easy. Just catch a Magby or a Magmar. They will be holding it if you are lucky. You will get a 50% chance of a Magby/Magmar holding it. See for more details.
Magmar evolves once you trade it while it's holding a Magmarizer.
sorry there is no way to evolve magmar you have to have a diamond or pearl version also Pokemon girintina.
You can evolve a Magmar in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum by trading it while it's holding a Magmarizer. However, Magmar cannot evolve in Pokemon firered and Leafgreen.
go to stark moutain and try to find a magnimizer and then give it to magmar (get magmar by migrating from leafgreen) and then trade with the magmar holding the magnimizer. (hoped it helped)
You can only get Magmar by evolving Magby, which can be found on certain routes. You must have LeafGreen in the GBA slot to get Magby.
somewhere in Fuego ironworks or catch a Magmar
a magmar booster is an ite u ge from trading a magmar from leaf green or fire red u end up wth magpies and 1 of tyhem as a magmarbooster and u give magmar the booster and trade to a nother diamond or pearl to get magmortar
Evolve Magmar using magmoriser and trade it
Trade Magmar holding a Magmarizor.