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you can trade or find him and catch it how you mostly do

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Q: How do you get machamp without trading?
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How does machoke evolves without trading?

Machoke cannot evolve without trading, it must be traded in order to evolve into Machamp.

How do you evolve machoke without trading?

You cannot evolve Machoke into Machamp without trading Machoke, it must be traded in order to evolve it, there is no other way to evolve it.

Can you see a machamp in sapphire?

Nope, Machamp is not seen in the wild. It is only obtainable by trading a Machoke.

How can you get a machamp in Pokemon diamond version?

By trading machoke.

What area can you find machamp in Pokemon emerald?

Machamp is originally from Kanto, but you can only find it by evolving Machoke through trading it.

Where can you catch a machamp in platinum?

You can't but you can evoulve Mochoke by trading.

How does Machoke evolve into Machamp in Pokemon Platinum?

By trading machoke

How do you find Pokemon 68?

#68 in the sinnoh dex is lopunny and in the ntional dex is machamp. machamp is by trading a machoke lopunny is a friendship with bunerary

How do you machamp without trading in Pokemon crystal?

In Pokemon Crystal, Machamp evolves from Machoke when traded. However, there is a workaround to evolve Machoke into Machamp without trading. You can use an emulator or a cheating device to modify the game's code to trigger the evolution at a certain level or by using an in-game item like an evolution stone. This method is not officially supported and may not work in all versions of the game.

Where do you find machamp in HeartGold?

You must trade a Machoke with someone else, or receive a Machoke from someone else. After getting the Machoke, it will evolve into a Machamp. Machamp cannot be found in the wild. This is because they can only be evolved by trading.

In ruby what level does machop evolve?

It evolves to Machoke at level 28. Then, you can evolve it right after into Machamp through trading it.

If you trade drowzee for machop in goldenrod city will it eventually evolve into machamp or do you have to trade machoke when machop evolves Is there anyway of getting machamp without having to trade?

u have to trade machoke to get MACHAMP!that is the ONLY way to get machamp happy to your ?