

Best Answer

1. You go to the desert and pick the root fossil

2. Take it to a guy on a computer at the Devon corporation in Restrubo

3. Go out of the room, go back inside, and receive your lileep

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Q: How do you get lileep in Ruby?
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Anorith and Lileep.

How do you get lilep in Pokemon Ruby?

I know ho to get lileep and cradily in pokemon ruby,but it's make a cheats Cheats for lileep and cradily is: Lileep 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 4BEFDC30B4192001 Cradily 82FBD860AE242721 313D2BCE9004E149 A87F5761834F0FF9 I hope this answer help you.

What level does lileep evolve on ruby?

Lileep evolves into Cradily starting at level 40. Once evolved it will retain the same abilities and typing as Lileep.

What Pokémon is in the root fossil in Pokémon ruby?

It is lileep.

What level does Lileep evolve on in Pokemon Ruby?

It evolves at level 40 so just keep leveling your lileep!

Dose lileep evolve in pokomon ruby?

yes he can evolve he evolves at lvl 40

What is the claw fossil's purpose in Pokemon ruby?

you can revive it to get an anorith. the root fossil will give you lileep.

Were do you get lileep in Pokemon Sapphire?

You can not catch Lileep in Sapphire or Ruby. You find two fossils in the Desert and one of them is Lileep. To make the fossil Lileep, go to RustBoro city and go the Devon Cooporation. On the second floor, there is a scientist at the bottom who will turn fossils into Pokemon.

What are the extinct Pokemon?

In Red Blue Yellow they are Aerodactyl Omanyte Omastar Kabuto Kabutops In Sapphire Ruby Emerald they are Lileep Cradilly Anorith Armaldo

How do you get a lilleep?

To get a Lileep in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald you need to revive a Root Fossil. The Root Fossil can be found on Route 111 however choosing it will cost you the ability to get the Claw Fossil. Alternatively you can trade for a Lileep from another game if you've picked the Claw Fossil.

What is a root Fossil?

A Root Fossil is a fossil in Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald, and is the counterpart of the Claw Foosil. The Pokémon that it turns into is a Lileep. A Lileep is some kind of water plant and to be honest, I'm not sure what type it is but I'm pretty sure that water is super effective against it.