To get a Lileep in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald you need to revive a Root Fossil. The Root Fossil can be found on Route 111 however choosing it will cost you the ability to get the Claw Fossil. Alternatively you can trade for a Lileep from another game if you've picked the Claw Fossil.
If you can find a desert, look around you just might get lucky and find a couple of fossils that are lily-- and anorith. so yes you can get them
Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, VenusaurOddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Bellosom Paras, Parasect Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebell Eggsecute, Eggsecutor Tangela, Tangrowth Chikorita, Bayleaf, Meganium Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff Sunkern, Sunflora Celebi Treeko, Grovyle, Sceptile Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry Shroomish, Breloom Budew, Roselia, Roserade Cacnea, Cacturne Lilleep, Cradily Tropius Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra Wormadam (Grass Cloak) Cherubi, Cherrim Carnivine Snover, Abomasnow Leafeon Shaymin
fossil Pokemon are:Aerodactyl,cranidos,kabuto,anorith,lilleep forget my spelling
Aerodactle, omanyte, kabuto, lilleep, anorith, but not sheildon or cranidos
There is no special way to evolve an Omanyte or Kabuto or Lilleep or Anorith.Just level them up to Level 40 and they will evolve
Lilleep comes from it, which evolves into a Cradily. The other fossil has an Anorith, which evolves into an Armaldo. Good luck, Trainer!
If you can find a desert, look around you just might get lucky and find a couple of fossils that are lily-- and anorith. so yes you can get them
skull=Cranidos(diamond only) armour=Sheildon(pearl only) dome=kabuto helix=Omanyte claw=anorith root=lilleep old amber=aerodactyl
Cradily is the evolved form of Lilleep, which is from the root fossil. If you got the claw fossil in the desert, you cannot get Cradily unless you trade. For emerald, you can go to the end of the tunnel in the digger's house (1st house west of fallarbor town) after defeating the Champion.
sheldon must be caught by either trade or dug underground. When found it will be a big brown fossil that should be taken to the building on the east side Oreburgh. When you give him the fossil he will tell you to get out and once you do that with an empty space in your team you have to go back in talk to you and you will get a sheildon. The same process is used for cranidos, lilleep, natu, aerodaptle, kabuto, sorry for misspelled poke'mon.
A Lileep will evolve on level 40. So will Anorith.
Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, VenusaurOddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Bellosom Paras, Parasect Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebell Eggsecute, Eggsecutor Tangela, Tangrowth Chikorita, Bayleaf, Meganium Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff Sunkern, Sunflora Celebi Treeko, Grovyle, Sceptile Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry Shroomish, Breloom Budew, Roselia, Roserade Cacnea, Cacturne Lilleep, Cradily Tropius Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra Wormadam (Grass Cloak) Cherubi, Cherrim Carnivine Snover, Abomasnow Leafeon Shaymin
The most common form of evolution for Pokemon is via leveling up. The next most common form of evolution is by using special evolution stones on certain Pokemon. Another common way for certain Pokemon to evolve is by being traded to another player. In addition to the above there are other evolution conditions including levels of happiness or holding certain items.
Lilleep (Common) Shelidon (Also Common) Kabuto (Not all that common) Aniroth (BIG FOSSIL but rare) Omanite (Fairly Common) Areodactle (Super Stinkin' rare, I only know there in there because my friend got one after...I don't know how long)...thats about all of them. Oh, you can also get Crainidos (I think)