Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, VenusaurOddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Bellosom
Paras, Parasect
Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebell
Eggsecute, Eggsecutor
Tangela, Tangrowth
Chikorita, Bayleaf, Meganium
Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff
Sunkern, Sunflora
Treeko, Grovyle, Sceptile
Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo
Seedot, Nuzleaf, Shiftry
Shroomish, Breloom
Budew, Roselia, Roserade
Cacnea, Cacturne
Lilleep, Cradily
Turtwig, Grotle, Torterra
Wormadam (Grass Cloak)
Cherubi, Cherrim
Snover, Abomasnow
Fire type has the very strongest advantage over Grass type Pokemon
Grass-type Pokemon are weak against Bug, Fire, Flying, and Ice-type attacks, but any type can damage a Grass-type Pokemon, either great or small.
Steelix is a good Steel type Pokemon. It is also a Ground type, too.
Grotle is a Grass type pokemon.
Cherrim is a Grass type pokemon.
The Availible Starters Are -Chikorita Grass Type Pokemon -Cyndaquill Fire Type Pokemon -Totodile Water Type Pokemon They Are All Availible In Pokemon HeartGold And, Pokemon SoulSilver
It evolves grass type pokemon..... Just like in EVERY OTHER GAME....
you need to pick the grass type Pokemon
In HeartGold you can catch Kyogre.
any type of of Pokemon in my list and you have to be about over 40 or 50 level. the Pokemon you need are fire water grass type or your stater Pokemon or any Pokemon that could beat a snorelax .and a lot of revives
There are no grass type Pokemon underground!
Reds Pokemon weaknesses Pikachu-Ground type Charizard-Water type, Rock type, Eletric type Venusaur-Fire type, Ice type, Flying type, Psychic type Blastoise-Grass type, Electric type Lapras-Grass type, Electric type, Fighting type, Rock type Snorlax-Fighting type Goodluck XD
Well if you like them just buy Pokemon diamond&pearl,if you already have then buy Pokemon platinum THEN if you HAVE Pokemon platinum buy Pokemon HeartGold&/orSoulSilver. because Pokemon diamond,pearl&platinum are all alike.
Torterra is a Grass and Ground type pokemon.
Pikachu can. Any grass or electric Pokemon may learn it.
Roselia is a Grass and Poison type pokemon.
Jumpluff is a Grass and Flying type pokemon.