Latias is a Pokemon that was introduced after the release of Pokemon Crystal, and you cannot trade between those two games, therefore, you cannot obtain it.
the movie latios and latias come out on is in Pokemon heros the 5th movie
No, neither Latias nor Latios are breedable.
Latiasyou cant find latias in Pokemon ruby you can only find it in sapphire. in Pokemon ruby you get latios no, you get latias in ruby and latios in sapphire because of the colour, Latias is red means ruby,latios is blue so means sapphire. your right above me but you got it mixed up. No its latias in sapphire and latios in ruby trust me i took forever trying to catch latias in sapphire and i finally did.
Crystal is a GEN:2 game while Latios is a GEN:3 pokemon. (so no)
latias is in the MOVE called Pokemon heroes
latias is in Pokemon ranger signs.
Latias is from the Hoenn reigon.
Of course you can get a Latias in Pokemon FireRed. However, Latias is not a naturally found Pokemon in the game - you must trade it from Sapphire version. Of course, you could use a cheating device to obtain a Latias, but other than that, you will have to trade for it.
the movie latios and latias come out on is in Pokemon heros the 5th movie
in southern island there was latias and latios you will meet latias in Pokemon sapphire and latios in Pokemon ruby
it is latias
sorry, even if they DO have genders no legendary pokemon can breed includes ditto with latias
Latias is a Pokemon found in both Pokemon Sapphire & Pokemon Emerald. With Sapphire it appears after you've completed the elite 4, then watched the tv in your room. And with Emerald you get to choose between Latias and LatiosAnswerNo, it is a eon Pokemon just like latios. If you just look in your pokedex it will say in big letters Eon Pokemon!!!!!
latias dosent evolve cus its a legendary Pokemon