You can fish for a lanturn after you get the nationaldex at route 220 with a super rod.
my chose lanturn
yes, it's great! except for ariados, replace it with a legendary like azelf, it can learn flmethrower,and thunderbolt!
catch a chinchou east of lilycove
Chinchou which evolves into Lanturn.
You can fish for a lanturn after you get the nationaldex at route 220 with a super rod.
my chose lanturn
it can breed with seaking, gyarados, lanturn,qwilfish,octillery,sharpedo,wailord,whiscash,relicanth,luvdisc,lumineon, and all of their previous forms
Lanturn is #171 in the national pokedex, and it is a Water-Electric type Pokemon.
You can catch Lanturn in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl by Fishing with the Super Rod in Route 220.
U gotta get it off a wild Pokemon homie there a 5 pecent chance to get it offa a lanturn relicanth or chinchou g peace out fools
chinchou evolves into lanturn at level 27 by the way lanturn looks awsome hope i helped
yes, it's great! except for ariados, replace it with a legendary like azelf, it can learn flmethrower,and thunderbolt!
catch a chinchou east of lilycove
Yes, for example Chinchou and Lanturn.