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you have to beat team galactic in a double battle with luke/dawn and a guy will come up to you and tell you the building is now open

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Q: How do you get into the jubilife tv building?
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Jubilife city,in the Jubilife TV building speak to 1 of the girls at the counter

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In Jubilife City, in the building to the left of the TV Studio.

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In Jubilife next to the TV Station in the north corner

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the three clowns r at jubilife tv station the building next to jubilife tv station the block above the Pokemon center hop u can find them :)

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jubilife city he's next to a girl in the tv building

How do you get a marking map in Pokemon Platinum?

Go to Jubilife City and go to the Poketch building (next to or near the Jubilife TV building). Enter through the door and talk to a man at the counter. He should give you some Poketch apps.

Where is the master ball in the jubilife city tv station on Pearl version?

i think he is the one near the table in the building

Where can you find jubilife tv in Pokemon diamond?

Upon arriving to Jubilife start at the pokemon center and take a left, head up to the exit than turn stop and go to the building with flashing lights. Thats for Platinum. Heres for Diamond/Pearl upon arriving at Jubilife city start at the pokemon center take a left and head towards exit than stop and turn left to building with lights. looks like a T.V.

Where is the POKeDEX company in Pokemon platinum?

The Poketch company is in Jubilife City, the building to the right of the TV station that looks a little like a saloon.

Does someone have an azure flute?

One way you can get an azure flute is you win the lottery in the Jubilife TV building on the first floor. But that is extremely rare.

Where is the tv placey in jubilife?

In Celedon City. In the North-West Corner.

Where is the TV station in jubilife city?

from the pokemart in Jubilife city go: left 3 spaces up 14 spaces left 12 up 2 and you will be inside the TV station in Jubilife city