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I'm sure that in the future, they will have an updated actio n replay ds, allowing you to have infinite dollars

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Q: How do you get infinite money on Style Savvy for the DS?
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Unfortunatly for DS owners... No it is not for the DS lite

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Style Savvy

How do you get to shopping cities on Style Savvy?

You have to have online on your ds/dsi

How do you go to other players stores on style savvy DS game?

By connecting on the download on your DS

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Do you and Dominic ever get married in Style Savvy DS?

I don't think so.

Is the DS game Style Savvy fun?

Yeah, it's awesome! For girls, at least... :)

What fashion games are there for the the ds?

I Suggest Style Savvy, I absolutely love it and its all about fashion

What happened to styl savvy?

Style Savvy was a fashion game designed by Nintendo in the late 2008. It was originally developed for Nintendo DS, and was also known as Style Botique in some countries.