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it doesnt really end. it just keeps on going. you just sell clothes and unlock the mansions things. but to see the end credits you need to pass all the fashion competitions.

I was actually disappointed at the end. I really wanted to see if the character ends up with Dominic or not. I really want to see Renee all jealous. xD

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Q: Does the game end in style savvy ds?
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Related questions

How do you go to other players stores on style savvy DS game?

By connecting on the download on your DS

Is the DS game Style Savvy fun?

Yeah, it's awesome! For girls, at least... :)

What happened to styl savvy?

Style Savvy was a fashion game designed by Nintendo in the late 2008. It was originally developed for Nintendo DS, and was also known as Style Botique in some countries.

How much is Style Savvy for the DS?

It's about the same price as any DS game, usually between $20 and $30 in US dollars.

How do you change dates in style savvy?

you have to change the date on the ds/dsi menu to change the dates on style savvy

What do I do if Style Savvy keeps freezing?

There's probably nothing wrong with your Style Savvy game. There's probably something wrong with your DS. Try blowing in the place to insert the cartridge and the gold part on the actual cartridge. My friend has a Pikachu DS (rare kind of DS) that you have to blow on the cartridge hole before you insert a game.

Do you ever beat the the DS game style savvy?

You Have to win the all time international contest! But you can keep playing after that.

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Is style savvy trendsetters only for 3D Ds?

Unfortunatly for DS owners... No it is not for the DS lite

Is style savvy trendsetters made for ds lite too?


What are some Fashion games for the Nintendo DS?

Style Savvy

How do you get to shopping cities on Style Savvy?

You have to have online on your ds/dsi