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what you have to do is fly to pacifidlog town and surf west into the current until you find a place where you can dive. when you go underwater go south until you see the writing on the wall in brialle, it says go up here. next use dig on the far wall of the chamber once you get in. then go back out and get a relicanth and wailor in your team, make sure these are the only 2 Pokemon in your team. when you get to the wall you used dig on put relicanth first in your team. go to the far wall of the next chamber and read the braille. it says first comes relicanth then comes wailord. then the screen should shake and the chambers will be open. for registeel go to the center of the chamber and use fly( i know it doesnt make sense just do it) for regice just read the wall(don't back out of the reading) and after a minute or so regices chamber will open. for regirock go left 2 spaces and down 2 spaces and use strength. you should have all the chambers open now hope this helped

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Q: How do you get in the ancient ruins in Pokemon ruby?
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It is hard to explain so you can go to or research about it.

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