You have too meet dawn there and battle the grunts and then they will give her back her pokedex and then they will go inside and then you can follow them inside.
go to the top left corner and some where there will be a sign that says Galactic Warehouse NO TRESPASSING and on the right of the sign there will be a house go in it and fid your way through, soon you will be in team galactic veilstone buildingp.s. remember to get galactic keyhope i helped
You will need Galactic key and this how to get Galactic key you will need to talk to a Galactic team mate by the Galactic HQ.
In the galactic warehouse to the left of the Galactic HQ's the end of team galactic.
in the galactica ware house to the left of the galactica base NO NO YOUR A LIER
its in the galactic ware house in velistone
you go to the team galactic ware house
I don't think you can join team galactic and if you can, I'm giving you bad advice! I don't think you can join team galactic!
In the team galactic storage house connected to veilstone galactic headquarters.
He challenges you then he gives you that team galactic suit all the grunts wear. (Pokemon are less likely to appear after you become team galactic) also you can get a master ball and a zubat after meeting Saturn in Team Galactic at the HQ on the highist level.
Search inside the smaller house of team galactic
Yes, Team Galactic is in Platinum.
simple answer go to Veilstone city and at the top right corner there is a team galactic building and in front of it there is a team galactic grunt talk to him and he drops the ware house key but here is a catch it breaks in the key hole after you use it and there is more doors so you have to find the galactic key... oh ya and one more thing the galactic key always works!
Talk to the Galactic Grunt by the satilite and he will drop something. Pick it up and it opens every door.
There's no such thing as "team team galactic". If you think you can join Team Galactic, you can't. The only Game where you play as a semi-bad guy is Colosseum.
Team Galactic's Boss' name is Cyrus.
The Team Galatic warehouse key can be obtained (after you've seen the confrontation at Lake Acuity) from the Galatic Member outside of the Veilstone base, just talk to him and he drops it. Looker will take it to the warehouse entrance.