By beating Professor Satyr 49 times. Enjoy dueling him I sure didnt.
level up!
level 10
there is no such a code... sucks
are you talking about yugioh gx spirit caller? if so then you have to duel professor sartyr a certain amount of times, it can range from 1-100 even more hope this helps :P
you have to beat the game you have to beat the game
cockerspaniels that is all.
no you cant
level up!
you face him when he is a shadow rider
level 10
there is no such a code... sucks
To get a Rai uniform on Yugioh GX Spirit Caller you need to first defeat the opponent. You need to defeat Crowler to get the dual coat and defeat Atticus to get the Hawaiian Shirt. The black and yellow uniform is received after you defeat Chazz and Professor Sartyr.
to get the ra yellow, duel professor sartyr until he gives it to you. if you want the obelisk blue, i think you duel zane until he gives it to you.
are you talking about yugioh gx spirit caller? if so then you have to duel professor sartyr a certain amount of times, it can range from 1-100 even more hope this helps :P
No... sry if u r talking about yugioh gx spirit caller then u can it is possible but igot the of friends though that hadthe game
you have to beat the game you have to beat the game
The best deck to stop kagemaru is one that does damage to him when he use's any of the three decks.