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After discovering Tetra is Zelda defeat the frog in the tornado to learn Ballad of the Gales. Then, warp to Mother & Child Isles and you'll get Fire and Ice Arrows

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Q: How do you get ice arrows in wind waker?
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How do you get the ice arrows in wind waker?

You get the fire and ice arrows by using the ballad of gales and teleport into Mother and Child Isles.

How do you freeze volcano on wind waker?

In The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, you cannot freeze a volcano. However, you can use Ice Arrows to freeze certain enemies or objects in the game.

What upgrade is inside Mother island on the legend of Zelda Wind Waker?

Fire & ice arrows

How do you get the ice arrows on Zelda The Wind Waker?

You can get ice arrows after you beat The Forsaken Fortress for the second time. Then, you will have to use the Ballad of Gales to warp inside Mother and Child Isles to get the fire and ice arrows.

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Answer:Boomerang, Grappling hook, Spoil's bag, Bow and Arrow, Deku leaf, Hookshot, Telescope, Light arrows, Fire arrows, Ice arrows, Bombs, the Wind waker, Bait bag, Skull hammer, Iron boots and Deliver Bag

Where do you get the fire arrows in legend of Zelda wind waker?

You get both fire and ice arrows from the Queen fairy at mother and child isle. You must warp to the island by playing the ballad of gales on the wind waker. The fairy will only give you the arrows AFTER you've rescued Aryll from the forsaken fortress.

Where do you get the ice arrows in the wind waker?

On Mother And Child Isles but you have to get the ballad of the gods song or something like that first

Where to get fire and ice arrows in The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker?

You have to get the Ballad of Gales which can be obtained by shooting the red frog on a cloud in a cyclone. When you play the Ballad of Gales with the Wind Waker, teleport to Mother and Child Isles. You will find the Fairy Queen and she will give you the power to use fire and ice arrows.

Where do you get arrows in Zelda wind waker?

you cut the grass and there MIGHT be arrows there.

Where is fire mountain in wind waker?

Fire Mountain is one square south of Dragon Roost Island. You need ice arrows to enter.

How do you beat cyclok in wind waker?

you need arrows and you get them in the temple of gods.

How do you get on ice isle in zelda wind waker?

you put it on fire just like you did or do on Fire Mountain except on Fire Mt. you freeze the fire with your ice and fire arrows and you put the ice on fire .